Qi Zhou Lab at Hangzhou,China
We use genomic and epigenomic approaches to study sex chromosomes and unique traits of various animal species.
PhD and Postdoc Positions Available, contact:
Tell : +86-571-8820-6529
Email: zhouqi1982 @zju.edu.cn
Rm 438 , College of Life Sciences Building,
866 Yuhangtang Road
Zhejiang University Hangzhou, 310058 China
Qi Zhou Lab published a paper in Nature Communications that produced an ENCODE-level data of Drosophila describing the dynamic changes of chromatin modifications during development and evolution
Qi Zhou was invited to write a review article entitled "Evolution and regulation of animal sex chromosomes" in the journal Nature Reviews Genetics. Postdoctoral fellow Zexian Zhu is the first author of the review.
Congratulations to Dr.Longxin for winning the Molecular Biology and Evolution 2024 award for the Best Student Paper.
Qi Zhou is awarded by the Young Scientists Support Program Evolution Award 2023.
Michael Lynch, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, visited Zhejiang University on November 29 and gave a lecture entitled “Drift, Mutation, Bioenergetics, and the Origin of Cell-biological Features”.
The article "Evolution of sexual systems, sex chromosomes and sex-linked gene transcription in flatworms and roundworms" made it into the Top 25 Nature Communications life and biological sciences articles of 2022.
Congratulations to Cheng Cai for his paper published on PNAS which provided three reference-quality chromosomal genomes of invertebrate amphioxus. This research was completed by Qi Zhou, Luohao Xu(Southwest University) and Zhen Huang(Fujian Normal University) three groups.
Dr. Xin Long of Qi Zhou lab published an article in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution revealing the sex chromosome evolution of seahorse, a model organism for studying paternal care.
This is the cover to be used in the sixth issue of Zoological Research . It is about a research highlight article published by Qi Zhou about the major progress of artificial chromosome fusion in mice. The cover image is provided by the team of Jinsong Li from Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai.
On August 12, Qi Zhou posted on Wen Wei Po,explaining the evolution of bird sex chromosomes.
Postdoc Yifeng Wang was invited to share the evolution of sexual systems, sex chromosomes and sex-linked gene transcription in flatworms and roundworms.
Congratulations on Yifeng Wang's paper published on Molecular Ecology Resource.The research was completed by Qi Zhou and Qingfeng Zhang (Tongji University) two groups.
Congratulations on Zexian Zhu’s paper published on Zoological research, which implied that reptile sex chromosomes originated by independent acquisition of sex-determining genes on different autosomes, and the evolutionary drivers of the slow differentiation and turnover of reptile sex chromosomes. This research was done in collaboration with Tariq Ezaz’s lab from University of Canberra.
Congratulations to Yifeng for her paper published in Nature Communications.The research was completed by Qi Zhou and Deborah Charlesworth (University of Edinburgh) two groups.
Congratulations to Xin Long and Yifeng Wang for completing their PhD defense.
Our work ‘Platypus and echidna genomes reveal mammalian biology and evolution’ won the award:Top Ten Academic Progress Nominations of Zhejiang University in 2021.
Our work ‘Phylogeny and sex chromosome evolution of Palaeognathae’ was published on Journal of Genetics and Genomics as a cover story.
CCTV-10 Science Program "Science Zoo" invited Qi Zhou as a guest to talk about the echidna.
Congratulations on Qianwei Su and Huangyi He's first paper gets accepted on Genes, Zhou lab's 13th paper in 2021 !
The 11th paper about muntjac deers of Zhou Lab was published by Nat. Commun.,Qi Zhou is the third co-corresponding author.
Welcome the new Ph.D candidate Jingjing Wang to join the Zhou Lab!
Welcome the evaluation expert group of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education to visit the lab!